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Packing that hospital bag – Cost effectively!

Packing my hospital bag was always a dread in the back of my mind once I found out that I was pregnant

What in the heck do I even pack, how many things do I pack, do I really need that many pairs of underwear (!?!)  Plus, being the paranoid person that I am, I’m terrified our little boy will surprise us and arrive early and so for that, I packed my bag around the 34/35 week mark. I don’t think there’s a real wrong or right time to pack your hospital bag (although perhaps packing one at 39/40 weeks is a tad risky, and definitely not my cup of tea) but I do think the earlier you pack the better as it just means one less stress to have to think about. After scouring the internet and getting bits and pieces of advice, I came to the conclusion that-

1. Black underwear is an absolute essential
2. You can never pack enough chocolate & lollies to snack on AND
3. There is no harm in over packing!

We have been told the maximum length of stay in hospital could be anywhere up to 4-5 days ( we are booked in for a C section so our stay will be longer ) and I like to be prepared (perhaps over prepared) in any situation and I would rather have something packed and not needed than not have had it packed at all. Plus, packing my maternity bag was something I also didn’t want to overspend on. I probably wasn’t going to be in hospital for a very long time and even though yes, I do of course want to be as comfortable as possible, I knew I could still achieve this by still buying great items at affordable prices. Some of the places I have found which have had great newborn clothing at even better prices are H&M, Big W, Kmart, Target (great for organic products) and Cotton On Kids. I don’t see a huge point in buying expensive items for when our bub is only a newborn as he will grow out of this clothing shortly, but of course this is ones personal choice.

I have also decided to pack 3 separate bags. One for me, one for the baby and one for Brad. I wanted to surprise Brad and make him up his own little hamper with lollies, energy bars, comfy track pants and new slippers etc because I wanted his stay in hospital to be just as comfortable as mine. I didn’t purchase a lot of new things for Brad’s bag though. I bought him some new slippers from Kmart, a new toothbrush and toothpaste for both of us, the snacks were all pre-bought so as to try not to waste a lot of money in the hospital shops and his toiletries and clothing are all what he owns already.

For my maternity bag, firstly I did splurge and buy myself a Mimco baby bag. This was something I had wanted since before I was pregnant and because of its great size and quality, I will most definitely be getting maximum use out of the bag for overnight stays or for other occasions once I don’t need to use it so much with the baby. A lot of the items that have gone into my bag I have purchased new seeings as I wont have much of the freedom to leave hospital as Brad will, so I wanted to feel a little bit more special with some fresh new underwear, toiletries and clothing. Again, I mainly went to stores such as Kmart, Priceline and Target to get my bits and pieces.

Below is my little list of what I’ve packed for each bag. Feel free to add in if you think I may have forgotten something, I’d love to hear your thoughts (there’s always more room for chocolate right?)


Brad’s Bag


1. Slippers – Kmart
2. Clothing – Comfy trackpants, socks, jumper. Not packing much clothing for Brad as he should be able to head home for more items if needed – All pre owned
3. Snacks – All pre brought
4. Toiletries – Priceline/Aldi
5. Laptop


Cassie’s Bag


1. Hospital bag – Mimco
2. Slippers – Kmart
3. Pj’s x2 long pants/one pj t-shirt/one pair of pj shorts (normally I sleep in just a t-shirt and underwear at home but deciding to bring pants/shorts so as to not scare the staff) – Kmart
4. Track pants, t-shirts, jumper, shorts etc – I really haven’t bought anything fancy to wear in hospital, I’ve only bought things for maximum comfort – Kmart/Target
5. Toiletries – Panadol, ural, hydralyte, face washing products, shampoo + conditioner, shower cap, hairbrush, razor, soap, face wipes, stick perfume (saves taking a big bottle), hand sanitiser, massage oil, hair bands and clips, toothpaste, toothbrush, nipple cream, contacts – Priceline
6. Water bottle x2 (one for Brad) – Coles
7. Underwear. Packing only black (sized up for comfort) and approx 10 pairs – Kmart
8. Breast pads x 10-15 – Kmart
9. Maternity pads x2 packs/ Super pads x1 pack – Priceline
10. Eye mask – Already own this
11. Ear plugs – Reject shop
12. Maternity bras x3 – Target
13. Heat pack – Kmart
14. Essential oils and diffuser – To make the hospital room smell nice and familiar – Gifted by friends/ DoTerra + InEssence
15. Socks x2 pairs – Kmart
16. Oversized nightie – I’m not sure yet what I plan on wearing while in labour, but I have bought a cheap t-shirt nightie just in case – Kmart
17. Feeding/maternity singlet x2 – Kmart
18. Ipad + charger. May not use but will take just in case
19. Cheap sandals for hospital – Big W
20. Newborn wood plaque for photographs – HeresToUsUK
21. Hand held fan – Ebay
22. Going home outfit – Planning to buy a cheap loose fitted dress


Bub’s bag


1. Baby bag. Already own this – Mimco
2. Baby blanket. Gifted at baby shower – Bebe boutique
3. Nappies. Taking a pack of 50 Huggies. May not use all but better to have than not
4. Washcloths – Myer (Little linen company)
5. Size 0000 onsies x6 – Cotton on kids/Kmart/Myer/Big W
6. Mittens x2 pairs – Target (Not taking a lot as most of the onsies have built in mittens)
7. Beanies x2 – Target/Kmart
8. Swaddles x3 – Myer (Bubba blue) and Target
9. Socks x3 pairs – Big W
10. Singlets x 3-4 – Target/Kmart
11. Going home outfit. Still deciding on if I want to buy a nice outfit or just have bub wear a onsie
12. Baby wipes x1 pack – Huggies
13. Nappy balm – Thank you products


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