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Reindeer Christmas cookies – No baking required!

Christmas time is here! And with that comes lots of festive baking and sweet treats. I have seen many a different version of these reindeer cookies so I thought it was about time I attempted them for myself and they certainly do not disappoint! They would make such a great end of year treat to bring into your kid’s class or something fun and festive to bring along to the numerous Christmas parties your bound to be attending. The ingredients are super simple and affordable and because they aren’t filled with anything too complicated, they would make the perfect little sweet treat for hopefully most kids and adults! Feel free to swap out some of the ingredients you see me use with your own ideas too! I’ve seen others use a Nutella base instead of icing




*All items purchased from Woolworths. Eyeball decorations purchased from Coles




✳ Start by laying a few of your biscuits out on your bench as you will need to be able to easily access them for the icing. The amount of icing you will need to make will depend on how many cookies you intend to make. You can start off by using between half a cup – one cup of icing and continue to add to the mixture. I just added water to my icing mixture with no colouring as I wanted the mixture to be colourless. Feel free to add a colour though! Make sure not to make your mixture too runny though as it will just slide off your biscuits and you’ll find it very hard to stick your lollies and chocolate on



✳ Once you’ve iced your biscuit you can start with the decorating! Place the Jaffa into the middle of the biscuit, followed by two eyes to complete your reindeer face and lastly add the pretzels for the antlers. Voila! Probably one of the easiest and cutest treats I’ve attempted yet! Pop them into the fridge to set and then watch them be demolished by little hungry hands!



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